
Med­ical Care Through MyChart: Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions


Our Part­ner in Deliv­er­ing Extra­or­di­nary Care

2021年9月, The South Bend Clin­ic (SBC) joined Duly Health and Care based in Chica­go, Illi­nois — the Mid­west­’s largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian-led med­ical group. 在过去的50年里, Duly has grown to serve com­mu­ni­ties across Chicagoland, 赢得了高质量的声誉, 就近获得医疗服务. Like The South Bend Clin­ic, our part­ners at Duly believe in the pow­er of provider-led care.

Our shared phi­los­o­phy and close part­ner­ship will fur­ther SBC’s mis­sion to deliv­er patient-cen­tered care, 增加对地方服务的投资, and cre­ate ini­tia­tives that help Michi­ana res­i­dents live health­i­er, hap-pi-er生活.

We are excit­ed to offer a new tool to help you stay con­nect­ed to your care, wher­ev­er you are. 适当的健康和护理应用程序, 由EPIC MyChart提供支持, allows you to access your per­son­al health infor­ma­tion and man­age your fam­i­ly’s care online. Hav­ing one com­plete med­ical record also helps your providers coor­di­nate your care more efficiently. 


Access­ing your health infor­ma­tion should not be lim­it­ed to busi­ness hours. That’s why we offer the Duly Health and Care app, pro­vid­ing online access to your elec­tron­ic med­ical record (EMR) and a con­ve­nient way to com­mu­ni­cate with your whole health care team. 查看测试结果, pay­ing your bill and refill­ing pre­scrip­tions, the Duly app offers you easy access to your med­ical team and health infor­ma­tion when­ev­er and wher­ev­er you are.

Vis-it http:// mychart.dupagemd.net/ M / C / S / S点火 to sign up or down­load the free Duly Health and Care app on your smart­phone or tablet. All of the fea­tures out­lined below will be avail­able to our patients on Jan­u­ary 29.

What can you do in the Duly Health and Care app?


  • 回顾med-ica-tions, immu-niza-tions, 过敏, view health reminders and upcom­ing appoint­ments, med­ical his­to­ry and cur­rent health issues. 
  • 查看实验室和放射性测试结果. 
  • 审查 health edu­ca­tion top­ics and vis­it summaries. 
  • 查看或打印运行状况摘要 


  • Com­mu­ni­cate secure­ly with your physi­cian regard­ing non-urgent issues regard­ing clin­i­cal con­cerns, 过去vis-its, 测试结果, med-ica-tions, 等.
  • MyChart mes­sages with your physi­cian may be eli­gi­ble for billing. 了解更多 通过MyChart信息了解医疗保健.
  • Send a mes­sage to cus­tomer ser­vice (regard­ing claims or billing) 
  • 发送一份完整的医疗报告. 


  • 安排孩子的健康检查, annu­al phys­i­cals and fol­low-up vis­its with your pri­ma­ry care physician. 
  • View details of your past and upcom­ing appointments. 
  • 申请处方补剂 
  • 审查 your med­ica­tion list and request pre­scrip­tion refills. 


  • View health records for indi­vid­u­als you man­age care for includ­ing chil­dren and oth­er adults. 

审查 & 管理保险信息

  • View your cur­rent insur­ance infor­ma­tion on file. 
  • 在线查看和支付账单. 

Is the Duly app appro­pri­ate for urgent matters? 

Please do not use the Duly app to send any mes­sages requir­ing imme­di­ate atten­tion. For urgent med­ical mat­ters, please call your doc­tor’s office. 


We take great care to ensure your health infor­ma­tion is kept pri­vate and secure. Access to infor­ma­tion is con­trolled through per­son­al IDs and pass­words. The Duly app uses the lat­est encryp­tion tech­nol­o­gy. All mes­sag­ing is done while you are secure­ly logged on to our web­site or the Duly mobile app. 

How will I know when my infor­ma­tion is updat­ed in the Duly app?

When you first login to the Duly app, you pro­vide an email address for alerts. These alerts will not con­tain spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion from your account; rather they are noti­fi­ca­tions that you have updat­ed infor­ma­tion to review in the app (such as new 测试结果, 信息或约会提醒). 

Can I also see my fam­i­ly mem­bers’ health records? 

是的,这就是 代理”访问. 供12岁以下儿童使用, this allows a par­ent or legal guardian to log into their per­son­al Duly app account, and view infor­ma­tion regard­ing their child. 根据州和联邦的指导方针, after the child becomes 12 the par­ent will still have access to appoint­ments and be able to send mes­sages but will have lim­it­ed access to the child’s med­ical record infor­ma­tion; full access can be grant­ed to a child’s record for a child between the ages of 12 — 17; child, par­ent and wit­ness sig­na­tures are required on the Minor Proxy Form. 

一旦孩子满18岁, the par­ent can get access to the patien­t’s med­ical record infor­ma­tion with the patien­t’s autho­riza­tion. It is also pos­si­ble to request access to anoth­er adult’s health records if you help man­age the adult’s med­ical care. 


完成在线报名表格 http:// mychart.dupagemd.net/ M / C / S / S点火 按照说明去做. 

What if I need more infor­ma­tion than is avail­able through the Duly app?

If you need more infor­ma­tion than what is avail­able through the Duly app, please vis­it our 医疗记录请求 page to com­plete the Autho­riza­tion for Release of Health Infor­ma­tion Form. 

Who do I con­tact with ques­tions regard­ing the Duly app?

Ask the staff at your doc­tor’s office or call the MyChart Help Desk toll-free at 1 – 855-2MY­CHART (1.855.269.2427).

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